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P5KC SATA driver using AppleVIAATA.kext

Викладаю варіант драйвера для SATA контролера материнської плати Asus P5KC

Beta SATA Driver for Asus P5KC using recompiled from sources AppleVIAATA.kext and P5KC pci id`s


Викладаю варіант драйвера для SATA контролера материнської плати Asus P5KC

Beta SATA Driver for Asus P5KC using recompiled from sources AppleVIAATA.kext and P5KC pci id`s

Try Universal ICH9 driver please

Universal ICH9 driver


  1. Remove any AppleVIAATA.kext or other SATA patched kexts from Your System
  2. Remove file:///System/Library/Extensions.kextcache and file:///System/Library/Extensions.mkext
  3. Copy attached kext into file:///System/Library/Extensions
  4. Fix Disk Permission using Disk Utility (or type and execute    sudo chown -Rv root:wheel /System/Library/Extensions/*     in terminal)
  5. Reboot and enjoy and post bugs please


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