I have bougth this device and got an issue with overheating the CPU when used for video play by KODI/XBMC player. The same issues were with playing Youtube videos.
So I have decided to investigate an issue and first my thoughts were about software/firmware.
But when I opened the case I saw "heatsink".
Well. It was attached to CPU by using sort of glue, not the termal paste.
Making Rockchip RK3288 run Kodi/XBMC/Youtube
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- 8205 reads
Grepping disk usage for biggest folders
Finding where was free space gone and who that guy that should be cleared on a server can be a challenge
Unix as I know has no usable UI tools for that, but there is a console that has power.
How to find folders for cleanup on Unix/Linux/Ubuntu?
Here is a command for grepping folders/files that has Gigabytes of size
du -c -h | grep -P "G\t"
The same for Megabytes as well, but I guess not so usable at admin level, mostly good for user folders.
du -c -h | grep -P "M\t"
And here is a sample output for the first command
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- 4582 reads
Centos installation steps for eio and event extensions.
Centos installation steps for eio and event extensions.
Install eio extension
sudo pecl install http://pecl.php.net/get/eio-1.2.5.tgz
Enable internal debugging in Eio [no] : Just hit enter
Do add "extension=eio.so" to php.ini afterwards manually with Your favourite text editor
Install event extention
sudo yum groupinstall "development tools"
Hit y on a question
sudo yum install pecl-event php-devel libevent-devel
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- 4958 reads
How to create dosboot image for grub for updating bios
I always having the issues during updating bios under linux/ubuntu.
All bios updaters developed by vendors for processing under DOS/Windows, but very small amount of them have thoughts about linux users.
I have written article about using flashrom application for updating bios in ubuntu/linux(in ukrainian), but it is not universal and has limited support of devices.
Here I want to share ability to have boot image item in grub with freedos installed for making possible boot into and update bios for Your mobo.
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- 5391 reads
Install linux on everex stepnote sa2053 - boot options
Press F6, escape to close the pop-up window, and add
to the prompt, before the word "quiet".
Complete the installation process
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- 14018 reads
MYSQL fix duplicates saving duplicated data with new id
CREATE PROCEDURE `max_wid` (OUT `y` int)
SELECT MAX(wid) into y from works;
CREATE PROCEDURE `first_dup` (OUT `t` int)
SELECT wid into t FROM works GROUP BY wid HAVING ( COUNT(wid) > 1 ) LIMIT 0,1;
The procedure itself - finding first duplicated data - and updating it to maximum possible id
After running this code till ZERO duplicates just create unique Primary key for Your table
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- 14035 reads
Senior and middle Drupal developer for interesting projects
Hi guys,
I am HR manager and I am looking for professional Drupal developers for our clients in Kiev office.
Client in Rotterdam looking for 1 Senior and 1 middle PHP/Drupal developer.
A company specialising in interactive websites, based in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. We have been active in online projects since 1997, mainly focusing on application development, e-commerce and lead generation. Our work is characterized by a no-nonsense approach and a focus on results. We work for various clients, who mostly belong to the top of their industry.
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- 12686 reads