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Universal ICH9 Driver for using AppleVIAATA.kext and AppleLPC.kext and AppleAHCIport.kext using Intel p35 pci id`s

Викладаю варіант драйвера для ATA контролера материнської плати GA-P35-DS3L

Universal Beta SATA Driver for GA-P35-DS3L using recompiled from sources AppleVIAATA.kext and GA-P35-DS3L pci id`s

Викладаю варіант драйвера для ATA контролера материнської плати GA-P35-DS3L

Використовуйте або АНСІ або VIAATA - вони можуть між собою конфліктувати!!!

Beta SATA Driver for GA-P35-DS3L using recompiled from sources AppleVIAATA.kext and GA-P35-DS3L pci id`s


  1. Remove any AppleVIAATA.kext or other SATA patched kexts from Your System
  2. Remove file:///System/Library/Extensions.kextcache and file:///System/Library/Extensions.mkext
  3. Copy attached kext((AppleVIAATA + AppleLPC) or (AppleAHCIport + AppleLPC)) into file:///System/Library/Extensions
  4. Fix Disk Permission using Disk Utility (or type and execute    sudo chown -Rv root:wheel /System/Library/Extensions/*     in terminal)
  5. Reboot and enjoy and post bugs please

I have no possibility to test it! So do backup please!
Better way to use it - setup in bios Enchaced mode for SATA controller


Supported ID`s

  • AHCI 0-5    0x29228086 AppleVIAATA.kext or AppleAHCIport.kext
  • AHCI 0_1   0x29218086 AppleVIAATA.kext or AppleAHCIport.kext
  • AHCI 0_1_2_3    0x29208086 AppleVIAATA.kext or AppleAHCIport.kext
  • AHCI 0_1_4_5    0x29238086 AppleVIAATA.kext or AppleAHCIport.kext
  • AHCI 4_5    0x29268086 AppleVIAATA.kext or AppleAHCIport.kext
  • LPC ICH9    0x29188086 AppleLPC.kext
  • LPC ICH9DH    0x29128086 AppleLPC.kext
  • LPC ICH9DO    0x29148086 AppleLPC.kext
  • LPC ICH9R    0x29168086 AppleLPC.kext
  • AHCI RAID mode    0x28228086 AppleVIAATA.kext or AppleAHCIport.kext


Supported MotherBoards

P5K-SE - Using AppleVIAATA.kext and AppleLPC.kext

P5K-VM - Using ApplePIIXATA.kext

AppleIntelPIIXATA.kext 2.zip29.08 KB
AppleAHCIPort.kext_.zip22.47 KB
AppleLPC.kext.zip17.55 KB
AppleVIAATA.kext.universal.ICH9_spec_ids.zip11.02 KB
AppleAHCIPort.kext.zip19.43 KB


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